We want to keep this fun and small.
Everyone is welcome to host a game at their house. We just need to know in advance to help set it up. All a host needs is space to put up at least one full sized table (4' x 8') and a 4' round second table.
We will supply the tables, card and chips.
Chairs are always an issue, so we need to figure that out well in advance.
Invited players are at the discretion of the host.
Guests can be friends, family, spouses, even older kids (maturity is important here), and/or coworkers.
Feel free to suggest people you know that would like to play, but please feel the room to make sure everyone would be a good fit.
MAX of 26 player. We have 3 tables, but we don't have that many chairs.
Reserve your seat early if you don't want to wait for someone to bust out. Even if you are showing up to 30 minutes late, your seat will be waiting for you.
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